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+91 9804866596 / 7605007185 International School of Business & Media ISB&M, Kolkata

Core Faculty

About Core Faculty

Prof. Kanchan Pantvaidya

Bachelors of Pharmacy, MBA (Mkt), Ph.D. candid (Pursuing)

Subject - Marketing

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Brief Description about the faculty: Pursuing PhD from S P Pune University, MBA- Marketing from S P Pune University and Bachelors of Pharmacy. Research focus in internal branding and communications. Presented papers in national as well as international conferences and journals. Member of Indian Pharmaceutical Association. Consultant to various SMEs in pharmaceutical and chemical sector.


B.Pharmacy, MBA (Mkt), Ph.D.


14 years of experience in academics, corporates and consulting. Associated with companies namely Cadilla Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Reddy’s Labs and Fem care Pharmaceuticals


Experience in pharmaceutical sector, training and development


Presented papers in national as well as international conferences/Journals

  1. Pantvaidya Kanchan (Jan.2009) "Role of CSR in pharmaceutical sector", International conference conducted by IBS Ahmedabad., Wisdom publications, pp 333-349, ISBN-978-81-89547-51-6
  2. Pantvaidya Kanchan (Feb, 2013)” Internal branding-benefits and key challenges” International doctoral convention.
  3. Pantvaidya Kanchan (Feb.2016) "Internal branding strategies which affect employee brand commitment in the services sector" national conference conducted by INDIRA institute of management and published in IIMP Journal with ISBN-978-93-85777-17-2.
  4. Pantvaidya Kanchan (April, 2018)” Mergers and acquisitions in pharmaceutical industry” international conference conducted by IBS Mumbai, Shroff publishers and distributors, pp. 12-22. Paper was selected in the best paper category and nominated for the First Prize along with cash emoluments.
  5. Ganjoo Kanchan (Dec;2018) Ph.D. research work published in Global business and management research, an international journal titled as” Internal branding in services sector -A conceptual framework”, Vol.10,No Dec, 2018.
  6. Ganjoo Kanchan (Feb; 2020) presented a paper in international conference conducted by Allana institute of management sciences titled as “Dimensions of Internal branding in services sector”. Paper was selected in the best paper category and nominated for second prize along with cash emoluments.


13 yrs. of teaching experience in renowned management institutions namely ISBM, Vishwakarma university, SIBM, MIT-world peace university, Institute of management education research and training.


Received awards for best paper presentation and research from IBS Mumbai and Allana institute of management sciences.